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Vantage Electric Radiators

The Vantage is the highest quality Italian-made designer electric radiator in the UK. With no plastic end panels, and a special coating, the Vantage will never turn yellow. Low running costs, superior comfort levels, and lasting good looks are standard. Request a quote today, and save up to 10% with a package discount. Modern design, […]

For the Bathroom

The Ecopower Warmup Towel Rail Our electric heated towel rails complement any style of bathroom while delivering the luxury of warm, fresh smelling towels at any time. Equally popular in kitchens, the Ecopower Warmup Electric Towel Rail is available in sizes to suit  small kitchen tea towels through to large bath towels.  As with Ecopower […]

Economiser Electric Radiators

The highest quality electric heating that we know. Rows of ceramic cells inside emit controlled warmth, while individually modulating to convert power to warmth in the most energy efficient way. For an unbeatable free quote, contact us today or fill out the self-survey form. The Economiser Electric Radiator is the most effective in our range. Retained heat energy distributes radiant […]

  • Did You Know?

    Storage heaters waste more energy than any other form of electric heating.

    By their very nature, storage heaters are very inefficient and lose heat from the moment that the bricks are “charged” over night.

    Much in the same way that a large Thermos flask works - You can expect hot coffee in the morning, but it’s tepid by the afternoon, so you pour it away.

    Our system is effectively re-boiling the kettle with just enough water, exactly when it’s required.